South Korea: An Economic Miracle

before, a wet gash
was the roof
and the dogs
were wild,
and we chased them
with brooms,
and my height
was average, and I sold
hard candies
by the road,
by the 매화’s winter
blooms, and we
were children,
slim, we mimicked
a hungering
for something
intact–shoes, limbs,
a country–
white worms in my stomach.
in forty years,
a history

Mina Khan is a Korean-Pakistani American poet from New York, currently based in Chicago. Her work spans across nations, generations, to discuss the role of the woman, cyclicality, violence, tenderness, and the everyday. She was awarded an honorary mention by the American Academy of Poets and authored the chapbook, MON-monuments, monarchs & monsters (Sputnik & Fizzle, 2020.) She holds an MFA from Columbia University, and has been featured or is forthcoming in Passengers Journal, Pigeon Pages, The Margins, and more.

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Issue 21

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